What Is Missing in Your Life Funny Sayings

There are times when we lose sight of what's most important, and these quotes about having fun and enjoying your life will remind you of it.

Our time on Earth is never long enough, so why not enjoy it?

In case you forgot, life is better when you take time to let loose and kickback. That means it's okay to let your hair down every once in a while—no excuses!

When you think about fun, what comes to mind?

Do you think about carefree kids and adventurous people?

How much fun have you had recently?

It seems that the older we get the less fun we have, and that's just not fair.

Not to sound like a brat, but why do we assume that we get too old to have fun?

Why do we think that life is too serious, well scheduled and prioritized to have some fun?

Personally, I think having fun makes life more enjoyable for you and the people you're close to.

Fun creates enthusiasm and energy.

And enthusiasm is the cornerstone of great leadership; personal or in an organization.

Here are some of our favorite cool quotes about having fun with your life. Enjoy!

Quotes About Having Fun and Loving Your Life

1. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."― Helen Keller

quotes-about-having-fun in life

2. "I have learned that you can go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do and buy all the things that you want to buy and meet all the people that you want to meet and learn all the things that you desire to learn and if you do all these things but are not madly in love: you have still not begun to live."― C. JoyBell

quotes about having fun and meeting new people

3. "Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun." Nina Dobrev

quotes about having fun and growing up

4. "There's no fear when you're having fun." Will Thomas

quotes about having fun and enjoying yourself

5. "I am going to keep having fun every day I have left, because there is no other way of life. You just have to decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore." Randy Pausch

If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of Eeyore quotes from the iconic character.

quotes about having fun and living your life

6. "We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."― Bill Watterson

 quotes-about-having-fun and enjoying where you are

7. "Do anything, but let it produce joy." ― Walt Whitman

quotes about having fun and producing joy

8. "The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it. Enjoy it now, to the fullest. Do what matters, now." ― Leo Babauta

quotes-about-having-fun and cherishing life

9. "Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." ― Andy Rooney

thoughtful quotes about having fun

10. "Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." ― Hans Christian Andersen

timeless quotes about having fun

Also, read these unforgettable Ron Swanson quotes that will inspire you to live your life on your own terms.

Having fun with friends quotes

11. "Sometimes having fun with your best friend is all the therapy you need." – Unknown

quotes-about-having-fun with friends

12. "I like to think I'm a pretty good friend. I love having a good time, and I enjoy being able to share those good times with others." – Jacob Batalon

13. "When fun gets deep enough, it can heal the world." – the Oaqui
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of deep quotes that will change how you see the world.

quotes about having fun and healing

14. "Fun, fun, impossible fun."― Wayne Gerard Trotman

15. "It's more fun when you're not the only one having it." –the Oaqui

16. "There are going to be good times and bad times, but lighten up." – Chris Pine

17. "Enjoy today. It is one of the "good old days" you will miss in the future!"— Etta Sawyerr

18. "The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, Make strangers laugh, Get paid to make strangers laugh, and Make people talk like you because it's so much fun." –Jerry Seinfeld

19. "The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it's all that matters." – Audrey Hepburn

20. "The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it." – Richard Bach

quotes about having fun and lovely moments

Also, read these party quotes to remind you that life is a party.

Thoughtful fun time quotes

21. "Life is all about having a good time." – Miley Cyrus

22. "If you're not having a good time, find something else that gives you some joy in life." – Penny Marshall

23. "Use your precious moments to live life fully every single second of every single day."— Marcia Wieder

24. "Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one." –Dr. Seuss

25. "If it's not fun, you're not doing it right." – Bob Basso

quotes about having fun and doing it right

26. "When you are not having fun, you're sort of missing the point." – Abraham

27. "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." – Charles Spurgeon

28. "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." – George Bernard Shaw

If you're enjoying these quotes, you'll love our collection of getting older quotes that will make you embrace the beauty in aging.

29. "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." – Katherine Hepburn

30. "The decision to make the present moment a friend is the end of the ego." – Eckhart Tolle

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Have fun quotes that will inspire you to live your best life

31. "Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half."- Bum Phillips

32. "Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it." – Eileen Caddy

33. "Life isn't just to be endured, it's to be enjoyed."― Gordon B.Hinckley

34. "My philosophy is: If you can't have fun, there's no sense in doing it." – Paul Walker

35. "Nothing else matters except that I have fun, and I'm still having fun." – Quvenzhane Wallis

36. "When you start recognizing that you're having fun, life can be delightful." – Jane Birkin

37. "As long as you're having fun and still doing stuff, it doesn't matter what other people think." – Nick Carter

38. "Just keep taking chances and having fun." – Garth Brooks

39. "As long as I'm having fun, I'm not quitting." – Sue Johanson

quotes about having fun and not quitting

40. "At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day." – Simone Biles (see more quotes from Simone Biles )

Have you seen these funny witty quotes to sharpen your cleverness?

Quotes about having fun with family and friends

41. "I think I'll work all my life. When you're having fun, why stop having fun?" – Helen Thomas

42. "Make a commitment to having fun. See your best friends and make time for your hobbies and passions." – Robert Holden

43. "There is never enough time to enjoy what you love." ― Joyce Rachelle

44. "While fun is desirable, regret is quite the opposite." ― Richelle E. Goodrich

45. "Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life." – Joyce Meyer

46. "You must have discipline to have fun." – Julia Child

quotes about having fun and discipline

47. "If you're playing at something and having fun, you don't stop to wonder why." ― Marty Rubin

48. "Every moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring."— Yoko Ono

49. "Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough." – Emily Dickinson

50. "No man is a failure who is enjoying life." – William Feather

Have you seen these living in the moment quotes and sayings?

Have fun quotes to help you enjoy your life

51. "When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things." – Joe Namath

52. "Follow your dreams. Just make sure to have fun too." – Chris Brown

53. "You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself, 'Am I having fun?'" – Christopher Meloni

54. "I do like to have fun. I don't need alcohol to have fun." – Rima Fakih
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of alcohol quotes about the impact of drinking.

55. "To pursue anything, you've got to have fun with it and to just never give up on it." – Kaetlyn Osmond

56. "I have fun out there on the court, smiling, laughing, trying to have good demeanor." – Stephen Curry

57. "I don't want the money. I don't want the drama. I just want to do my show. I want to have fun again." – Dave Chappelle

58. "Remember these two things: play hard and have fun." – Tony Gwynn

59. "When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED." ― Dr. Seuss

60. "Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling." ― Tony DeLiso

61. "Mother Nature doesn't care if you're having fun."― Larry Niven

62. "In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed."- Sid Caesar

63. "I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun." – Thomas A. Edison

64. "Once you can accept failure, you can have fun and success." – Rickey Henderson

65. "'Have fun' is my message. Be silly. You're allowed to be silly. There's nothing wrong with it." – Jimmy Fallon

Quotes about having fun to motivate you to live life to the fullest

66. "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."― Eleanor Roosevelt

67. "A person must never cease striving to enjoy life. It takes wit, interest, and energy to be happy."― Kilroy J. Oldster

68. "Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."― Gordon B. Hinckley

69. "Whether you choose to move on from your struggles and enjoy life or waddle in your misery, life will continue."― Germany Kent

70. "I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it."― Rita Mae Brown

71. "Don't let the pettiness of life prevent you from enjoying God's plenty."― Bernard Kelvin Clive

72. "Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live."― Rachel Ann Nunes
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of smile quotes to help keep a smile on your face.

73. "Enjoy life despite its problems."― Ravi Ranjan Goswami

74. "Enjoy life while you can. It can be taken in a heart beat."― Jasmin Morin

75. "If we want to sincerely enjoy our lives, who we become along the way is far more important than what we achieve."― Richie Norton

Quotes about having fun and living life to the fullest

76. "In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."― Gordon B. Hinckley
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to check out our collection of laughter quotes proving why it's the best medicine.

77. "You have one life. Live it! Enjoy it!"― Izey Victoria Odiase

78. "The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead."― Marjorie Pay Hinckley

79. "Most people should laugh more; and, when they laugh, laugh heartily."― Wayne Gerard Trotman

80. "Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings."― Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes on living a great life.

81. "There are a thousand reasons to live this life, every one of them is sufficient."― Marilynne Robinson

82. "Life is an adventure! So live it up!"― L.M. Preston

83. "Savour every step of your life."― Janneker Lawrence Daniel

84. "Live life to it's fullest or it may seem like you died young."― James Wattersmith

85. "Every single moment is your life, so enjoy the moment to enjoy your life fully."― Debasish Mridha

Motivational quotes about having fun

86. "Everyone needs fun, especially the devout because the devout often limits his life with some irrational boring rules!"― Mehmet Murat ildan

87. "If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong." – Groucho Marx

88. "Just relax and enjoy the magnificent ride we call life. Earth, your space shuttle, is moving at a speed of 1000 miles per hour. Your destination is getting closer."― Debasish Mridha

89. "If you are not having fun, do something different." – Larry James

90. "Take your life out of high gear and disengage the autopilot mode. Try living mindfully and avoid the pattern of living in a reactive manner."― Nanette Mathews

91. "Never underestimate the importance of having fun." – Randy Pausch

92. "Life is easy. Just stay un-dead."― Fakeer Ishavardas

93. "Be spontaneous, be creative, go out and have fun, let things happen naturally." – Conor McGregor

94. "If you want to have the time of your life, change how you use the time in your life." ― Tim Fargo

95. "Just be yourself and have fun." – Richard Lowe

Quotes about having fun that will make your day

96. "The universe wants us to have fun doing more than one thing in life. That's how it learns. You don't have one purpose in life. You have maybe 500 or so." – James Altucher

97. "What is human life? The first third a good time; the rest remembering about it." – Mark Twain

98. "Believe in yourself, not only in swimming, but in life itself. You always have to have fun. You have to have an open mind. If you're not enjoying it, don't do it. Life's too short." – Debbie Meyer
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of short quotes that can make a big difference in your life.

99. "If a man who enjoys a lesser happiness beholds a greater one, let him leave aside the lesser to gain the greater." – Buddha

100. "I love to dress up. You have to have a sense of fun in life, too. We can all be serious and work and do our bit, but every now and again you have to have a good giggle." – Marie-Chantal Claire

101. "Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too." – Voltaire

102. "I'm having a lot of fun, enjoying my life and trying to raise my children." – Harry Connick, Jr.

103. "Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!" – Nietzsche

104. "Enjoyment of life generally includes being socially connected, having fun, and feeling a sense of purpose." – Mallika Chopra

105. "Fill your life with as many moments and experiences of joy and passion as you humanly can. Start with one experience and build on it." – Marcia Weider

Quotes about having fun and living life

106. "I've decided to be happy because it is good for my health." – Voltaire

107. "Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." – William Burroughs

108. "Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live." – Margaret Fuller

109. "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…Including you." – Anne Lamott

110. "Slow down, take time to smile." – Carla White

111. "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." – Derek Jeter

112. "Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future." – Earl Nightingale

113. "One of the easiest ways to reduce your stress and unwind after a difficult day, or even on a day-to-day basis, is to do something that makes you laugh." – Rebecca Turner

114. "An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point." – Harold V. Malchert

115. "Don't make things too complicated. Try to relax, enjoy every moment, get used to everything." – Angelique Kerber

Happy quotes about having fun and enjoying life

116. "We are always getting ready to live but never living." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

117. "Thank God for every second that he allows me to spend. Enjoy life to the fullest and have fun…" – Unknown

118. "I'm less interested in why we're here. I'm wholly devoted to while we're here." – Erika Harris

119. "Life is not less than an adventure. Get out of your bed and explore it." – Unknown

If you're enjoying these quotes, you'll love our explore quotes about nature, wander and new experiences.

120. "You only live once; but if you do it right, once is enough." – Mae West

121. "I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced." — Joe Bastianich

122. "As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round." – Ben Hogan

123. "Everything happens for a reason in life so don't be sad just smile and move forward." – Unknown

124. "Never save the best for later. You don't know what tomorrow holds." – Paulo Coelho

125. "When you start to enjoy your life you will see how amazing is this world is." – Unknown

Powerful quotes about having fun

126. "Happiness is living a life having fun, friends, and freedom." – Lorrin L. Lee

127. "Without the element of fun, it's not worth trying to excel at anything."― Magnus Carlsen

128. "In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money." – Michael Jordan

129. "Fun is closely related to Joy – a sort of emotional froth arising from the play of instinct."
C.S. Lewis

130. "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." – Dale Carnegie

131. "We are game-playing, fun-having creatures, we are the otters of the universe."― Richard Bach

132. "You've got to have fun along the way." – Victoria Beckham

133. "People who achieve the greatest success are the people who have the most fun getting there."― John Patrick Hickey

134. "Stay healthy, do sports and above all have fun while doing sport." – Rafael Nadal

135. "Happiness is a collection of joyful experiences shared with soul friends. Get together and have some fun!"― Amy Leigh Mercree
If you're enjoying these quotes, you'll love our collection of boyfriend quotes that will give you butterflies.

Inspirational quotes about having fun and enjoying life

136. "Even in hard times there's a possibility to have fun."― Eyden I.

137. "Everything we're doing is freaking iffy. That's what makes it so much fun."― John Sandford

138. "Just keep being true to yourself, if you're passionate about something go for it. Don't sacrifice anything, just have fun."― Blake Lewis

139. "Sometimes, the simple things are more fun and meaningful than all the banquets in the world."― E.A. Bucchianeri
If you're enjoying these quotes, make sure to check out our collection of simple quotes that will help you live a simply beautiful life.

140. "We can make a difference and have fun doing it." – ATGW

141. "Sometimes you just have to jump in a mud puddle because it's there. Never get so old that you forget about having fun."― Tom Giaquinto

142. "Always work hard and have fun in what you do because I think that's when you're more successful. You have to choose to do it." – Simone Biles

143. "You can't put a price on fun; it's always priceless."― Stanley Victor

144. "Work hard, have fun and make history." – Jeff Bezos

145. "Don't take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. Have fun. Inspire."― Dawn Gluskin

Having fun quotes to enjoy your life

146. "Live for today and let tomorrow come later."― Michele

147. "Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life." ― Avril Lavigne

148. "I like to have fun, just stay relaxed." – Usain Bolt

149. "Keep your spirit free, be flexible, let go." ― Leslie Brown

150. "Having fun is the best way to learn." – Albert Einstein

151. "Participate in life instead of just watching it pass you by." ― Lindsey Wonderson

152. "Because there is no means to live after you die, why not live currently?" – Unknown

153. "Live in the moment. Forget the past and don't concern yourself with the future." ― Tanner Christensen

154. "Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." ― Eddie Cantor

155. "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." ― James Dean

Positive quotes about having fun and enjoying life

156. "Have fun, even if it's not the same kind of fun everyone else is having."― C.S. Lewis

157. "Just remember, life is short. You have to enjoy every moment before it passes you by."— Kien Nguyen

158. "We were meant to enjoy life, not be drowned by it."― Donald Miller

159. "Take life on life's terms – one day at a time. And have fun while you're doing it."—Joe Perry

160. "There is only one way to escape the madness of this world, and that is to enjoy it."― Marty Rubin

161. "Sometimes you need to stop for a while. Lie under the sky at night. Count the stars, reward yourself for working hard and enjoy your life."— Gift Gugu Mona

162. "The happiest person: he enjoys everything without wanting to possess anything."― Marty Rubin

163. "Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worked up about things." – Kenneth Branagh

164. "Life is brighter on the lighter side."― L.M. Fields

165. "It is essential to our well-being, and to our lives, that we play and enjoy life. Every single day, do something that makes your heart sing." – Marcia Wieder

Quotes about having fun and embracing the moment

166. "The more you focus on fun, the more fun you have."― A.D. Posey

167. "Enjoy every moment of life because you don't know what will happen tomorrow." – Unknown

168. "Life is like a rainbow where you need to appreciate every color of it." – Unknown

169. "You don't know what will happen next so don't worry too much." – Unknown

170. "Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more." — Mother Teresa

171. "Change the way you think and you will enjoy every moment of life." – Unknown

172. "Your life requires your mindful presence in order to live it. Be here now." ― Akiroq Brost

173. "Never worry about anything. Live in the present. Live now. Be happy." – Marsilio Ficino

174. "The first recipe for happiness is: Avoid too lengthy meditation on the past." — AndrĂ© Maurois

175. "The great science to live happily is to live in the present." – Pythagoras

Quotes about having fun in life

176. "If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." – Katharine Hepburn

177. "One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure." – William Feather

178. "Life is a game, play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, Capture it." – Unknown

179. "There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way." – Christopher Morley

180. "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." – Robert Breault

181. "Don't wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life!" – Unknown

182. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did." – Mark Twain

183. "Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." – Les Brown

184. "Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your today." – Unknown

185. "Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." – Danny Kaye

More quotes about having fun and enjoying life

186. "Enjoy life. Have fun. Be kind. Have worth. Have friends. Be honest. Laugh. Die with dignity. Make the most of it. It's all we've got." – Ricky Gervais

187. "Fun is not to be planned. It is to be found." – Ihsan

188. "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." –Dr. Seuss

189. "Have fun! Live it up! Be happy! Enjoy every moment!" – Lei

190. "You live and then you die, I thought. It's good to have some good times." – Natalie Goldberg

191. "I believe in having fun first, and along the way, if you teach people, if you influence people, well and good." – Ray Bradbury

192. "The best advice I ever received came from my mother: 'Do at least one fun thing every day." – Clifford Cohen

193. "Enjoy life! Celebrate life! Sit back and relax to the finest moments of your life." – Unknown

194. "Fun is not an activity, it is a state of mind." – Bryant McGill

195. "Occasionally, it is much better to be reduced in life and also take pleasure at the moment that is occurring." – Unknown

Having fun quotes that remind you to be yourself and enjoy life

196. "Sexy is being independent, being confident and having fun." — Mollie King

197. "I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it." — Andrew Breitbart

198. "As long as you're having fun, that's the key. The moment it becomes a grind, it's over." — Barry Gibb

199. "I only do this because I'm having fun. The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." — Heath Ledger

200. "I'm having fun. I'm being myself. I'm doing what I love. That's all that matters." — James Charles

201. "I've prioritized taking care of my mind, having fun, and doing things that make me laugh." — Phillipa Soo

202. "People want to be creatively satisfied, and having fun is such an important part of that." — John Lasseter

203. "I just like to do the fun stuff. If I'm not having fun with it, I'm not going to do it for the rest of my life." — Doja Cat

204. "Your positive energy will radiate. If you act like you're having fun, you'll find you are having fun." — Jean Chatzky

205. "Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, going to Disneyland, having fun." — Brian Wilson

Having fun quotes to help you get the most out of life

206. "The bottom line is to have fun and enjoy life." — Rekha

207. "Enjoy life… that's what we're here for." — David Faustino

208. "I am blessed with a funny gene that makes me enjoy life." — Karan Patel

209. "I just want to live each moment to the fullest. And enjoy life." — Kadeena Cox

210. "I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life." — Robert Baden-Powell

211. "It's really not about what you have. It's about how you're able to enjoy life in general." — Kevin Harvick

212. "I decided to fly through the air and live in the sunlight and enjoy life as much as I could." — Evel Knievel

213. "I do have a childlike enthusiasm at times. I certainly enjoy life and get pleasure sometimes in childish things." — Brian Baumgartner

214. "If you go around being afraid, you're never going to enjoy life. You have only one chance, so you've got to have fun." — Lindsey Vonn

215. "I enjoy life, and I think that's important. Life is so fragile and so fleeting, and it's over in a minute, and you've just got to grab it and do everything and not worry about it." — Jerry Hall

Quotes about having fun to put a smile on your face

216. "Don't forget to have fun." – Anonymous

217. "As long as you are doing things with a smile on your face, and you are having fun, then you are being unfiltered." – Bretman Rock

218. "I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and I'm having fun doing it." – David Johansen

219. "I'm having fun just being a musician as well as an artist at this point." – Peabo Bryson

220. "You never came home for lunch: you just stayed doing, playing, having fun, surfing, running round." – Diane Cilento

221. "If I quit having fun, then it's time for me to quit working." – Charlaine Harris

222. "I mean, I'm about having fun. I'm not about what other people say." – Riff Raff

223. "Football's a lot easier when you're having fun." – George Kittle

224. "I like laughing and having fun all the time, and I make sure people around me have fun, too." – Rupali Ganguly

225. "When you look back the stuff that means the most to you is just being with your mates and having fun." – Tom Fletcher

Did you enjoy these quotes about having fun?

In our hectic, modern world, many of us focus so heavily on work and commitments that we hardly find time to have fun and enjoy life fully.

But remember, having fun and finding ways to smile and laugh more makes life more enjoyable for you and the people around you. So hopefully, these fun time quotes about having fun have motivated you to find time to lighten up and enjoy your life

Which uplifting quote about having fun was your favorite? Do you have any other having fun quotes to share with us? Tell us in the comment section below.


Source: https://everydaypower.com/quotes-about-having-fun/

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